meet rebecca

In 2007, a downturn in the housing market forced Rebecca out of her corporate interior design job and into the creative world of becoming an entrepreneur.  She started her blogging career with Project Nursery as their very first contributor.

She soon fell in love with the idea of being able to share her ideas and creativity with the world and so she started her own blog & Etsy Printable Shop.  With her work being recognized all over the internet, her small at home, on-line business started to gain some momentum in 2011. Over the last 9 years Rebecca has poured her creativity into running a shop, blogging about DIY projects, designing products & coming up with new printables ideas.

Rebecca has been able to wrap all of her talents into one creative outlet via this blog and social media channels.  From the time Rebecca was a little girl, she was always fact her weekly trips to the school library were driven by her desire to check out the latest in “Make & Do” books.

Rebecca has always been recognized for her budget friendly, DIY approach to design but most recently recognized on NBC’s MAKING IT |Season 2